Improvement in post secondary education will require converting teaching from a solo sport to a community based research activity.
Herbert A. Simon, Cognitive Psychologist and Nobel Laureate
e-Literate’s Empirical Educator Project (EEP) is a network of people and organizations dedicated to the proposition that our institutions of higher education must and can transform themselves from the inside to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. We can do this by drawing on the historic academic strength inquiry embedded in a community that provides peer review, by turning that strength to core institutional task of enabling students to learn and thrive, and by evolving academic cultural institutions and processes to support these ends.
EEP’s activities include an annual summit, facilitation within our network to promote projects, and content that is generated and promoted by e-Literate to share the knowledge of the EEP network and make it more practically useful. This work is not profit-generating and is paid for through sponsorships and similar activities.
EEP is unabashedly vendor-inclusive, by which we mean that vendors whose products or services help students to learn and succeed and who are willing to be good-faith participants in the academic commons of empirical education should be considered empirical educators and treated as such. They should be rewarded in the marketplace for making genuine contributions to that academic commons. The peer review mechanism embedded within the Empirical Educator Project network can validate those contributions. We also believe that mindfully empirical educators are better educated consumers of educational technology products.